"The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:19
For those of you following the bible study journey, chalk one up to Miss Heather! Today I have the girls right before lunch which is an open invitation for a nap, so I asked them which they would prefer Romans 12 or to read another chapter in "Hinds Feet in High Places". They unanimously said to read another chapter, I think because they wanted a nap, so we did a little devotion and then I asked them to quietly get up and we walked around the farm and read the chapter as we walked together. Not only was it a victory against the nappers, but it was a beautiful day and the scenery here is right out of the book with the valley leading right up to the mountains - so close you feel like you could reach out and touch them. Today, for the first time, some of the girls actually read parts of the chapter - we stopped at an orange tree and picked oranges then talked about the similarities between our spiritual journeys and Much-Afraid's journey, the main character.
For those of you who may be thinking I had a total spiritual break-through, not quite. I asked them to be very quiet as we approached the school so they didn't disturb the other classes, then I instructed them to go "to the left" and they all broke out singing loudly "to the left, to the left, everything you own in a box to the left..." - yes they know Beyonce here too! Haha - busted! Tomorrow - back to Romans 12, I can't wait to see what the Lord will do tomorrow!
Pray for: Zanele, Vuyiseka, Mimitha, Asanda, Thandi, Yanga, Nolubabalo, Sive, Thandazwa to fall in love with God's Word!
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